Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 3: Good nutrition

Just want to clarify that salsa IS a vegetable. 1/2 cup is equal to one serving of veggies. Yesterday, I ate a full day of veggies in one sitting!

And, though I'm not a banana fan, they are easy, fast, and filling so I'm putting up with them as a healthy snack food. Plus, dip them in a hundred calorie pudding cup, and they almost pass for desert!

Did 30 min of yoga on the wii fit. I picked my own routine for the first time and it worked out pretty well. Burned 85 calories. Short of my goal, but I was sore from two "hard core" (and I use that term loosely) days of wii fitting and needed a stretch out day.

Tomorrow, back to the burn! Ggrrrr!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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